I AM Builders is a National Construction Estimating Firm in the business of helping contractors win projects.

We estimate and takeoff your entire project for you based on local pricing.

Most contractors are so busy running their jobsites that they NEGLECT the estimating. You’re supervising jobs, making deliveries, going to jobsite meetings, and the only time to work on estimating is NIGHTS AND WEEKENDS.

It doesn’t have to be that way!


See Our Client List….


Licensed General Contractor

I AM Builders is a Licensed General Contractor and works nationwide on projects for clients. Because we ourselves are a Contractor, we understand pricing based on field conditions and the challenges of running a job.

Our team is made up of construction professionals with actual field experience. Many of our team were either Project Managers or Superintendents so they bring those years of expertise to your bids. It’s not just theory.

Estimated Over $1.5 Billion in Projects
I AM Builders has estimated over $1.5 Billion in projects for General Contractors, Developers, Engineers, Architects, Interior Designers, Subcontractors, Homeowners, and Lenders.

I can say we’ve seen it all. Because of this experience, we are able to make accurate determinations in estimates, especially if the plans are missing information or things are conflicting. That’s why were are also able to work with conceptual and projects in the drawings phase because we have so many projects to reference.

Estimating for Conceptual, Schematic, Design Development, and Construction Documents Phases

Many times projects required preliminary estimating or budgets when they are in the planning stages. We work with Architects and Developers to build these budgets early on in the process.

This is extremely valuable for making design and financial decisions on projects. Since we’ve worked with so many types of projects, we are able to conceptually estimate projects when the final decisions have not been made yet.

All projects are covered under our Errors and Omissions Insurance so you can have peace of mind with our estimates. We backup up our construction estimating services.




You Send in Your Plans

You can upload your plans here or email us at info@basebidestimators.com. Whichever is more convenient for you.

Be sure to let us know your scope of work and any details regarding your project.


We Send you a Quote for Our Services

Before starting, we’ll send you a detailed quote for our services. Every client is unique so we take the time to review each situation individually. We’ll factor in things like project range, difficulty, trades, and more.


We Estimate and Deliver Your Cost Estimate

Our team will takeoff and estimate your project. When we deliver you’ll receive a PDF and an Excel file of your estimate. We can also offer construction lead generation services for the jobs you’d like to pursue further.